Alumni Membership
Once a Cedarian, Always a Cedarian
Deepen Your Connection, Be Part of the Cedar Alumni.
Across the decades, Cedarians past and present reminisce about the powerful school spirit that was the hallmark of our secondary schooling days. The Cedar Alumni is a continuation of that journey as part of the family.
If you're looking to reconnect with ex-Cedarians, be a part of the exciting school activities or are able to lend your area of expertise in any way, we would love to have you joined us as part of the Alumni!
To sign up as an Alumni Member click here
If you are below 21 years old and just recently graduated from Cedar, we would like to connect with you via our Alumni Youth Club, please sign up here
Thank you and we're very happy to have you onboard with us as Cedar Alumni!
Alumni mission:
The Cedarian Alumni is dedicated to fostering ties between fellow Cedarians. It is driven by enthusiasm and good spirit and will constantly uphold the tradition of Honesty, Perseverance and Courtesy. Once a Cedarian, Always a Cedarian.
Our Objectives:
1. To encourage a life-long relationship between the Cedarian Alumni and Cedar Girls' Secondary School by:
• Offering whatever assistance that may be required in the School's pursuit of excellence
• Acting as a liaison centre between alumni members and present students and teachers of the School in order that the latter may benefit from the advice, experience, guidance and assistance of the members.
• Preserving a historical account of the School and recording the achievements of its former students, teachers and principals.
2. To promote the common interests of and reunite ex-Cedarians by:
• Promoting friendship, cooperation, goodwill and solidarity among alumni members through social, cultural, educational and recreational activities.
• Extending the influence of the old students, teachers and others formerly associated with the School for the benefit of all.
• Providing a platform for bonding and networking among members.
• Fostering among members a spirit of pride, loyalty and love for the Alma Mater.
3. To encourage and instill in members and students an awareness of their role in the community by engaging in activities that will promote the interests and welfare of the School, the Alumni and the Community.
Alumni Exco
To contact the exco, please write to

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